Recettes > Appetizers & starters > Mushrooms stuffed with vino rosso and parmesan cheese thin sliced salametti
Ideal as an appetizer or an entrée, you’ll love this recipe for mushrooms stuffed with salametti and parmesan cheese.
12 servings
20 minutes
15 minutes
Garnish: For the presentation, fry a few half-slices of Salametti in olive oil on high heat for approximately 45 seconds on each side until they look slightly toasted. Drain on paper towels for a few minutes, allow to cool, and place a half-slice of crispy Salametti on each mushroom as it leaves the oven. The Salametti chips can be prepared in advance and stored dry.
To top it off, add a parsley leaf and a web of balsamic vinegar glaze that you can find at the supermarket. A delicious treat!
Looking for something a little different? Replace the Salametti with Diced Pancetta. The experience will be just as delightful. Substitute blue cheese for the parmesan for a more pronounced flavour. Enjoy!